Studium Języków Obcych | Language Centre

Intensive Two-Semester Polish Courses

organised by Krakowskie Towarzystwo Edukacyjne at the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University (Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego)

dates: October – June
number of teaching hours: 600 - 2 semesters, 4 lessons a day 5 times a week
cost: € 2 000

The course fee includes:

  • 600 teaching hours of classes
  • coursebooks
  • other printed materials
  • access to an online platform with additional practice materials
  • tests and mid-course exams
  • end-of-course certificate
  • final exam; candidates who pass the exam will obtain a certificate which is accepted for entry to Polish-taught courses at Krakowska Akademia

To enrol for the course and for further information please write to:

Kontakt | Contact

Studium Języków Obcych | Language Centre

Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego

ul. Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego 1, 30-705 Kraków

budynek A, pok. 117 | building A, room 117

dr Agnieszka M. Sendur
kierownik | Head
budynek A, pok. 118 | building A, room 118

mgr Anna Sosenko
z-ca kierownika | Deputy Head
budynek A, pok. 118 | building A, room 118

w godzinach dyżurów | during office hours

Sekretariat | Office

poniedziałki-piątki | Mon-Fri 8.00-16.00
soboty | Sat - zobacz | office hours

mgr Dagmara Domanus-Bujniak
phone.svgtel. 12 252 45 70

mgr inż. Agata Warmus-Czyżyńska

phone.svgtel. 12 252 45 72