Studium Języków Obcych | Language Centre

We offer the following paid language courses:
• Remedial courses at B1 and B2 levels, which help students achieve language skills and competences at the required level.
• General courses at all levels: English, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian and Polish for foreigners.
• Specialist language courses: Business English, Legal English, Medical English, Academic English etc.
• Courses preparing students for certificates: Cambridge (First, CAE, BEC) and TELC.
• Courses for the teachers and staff of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University.
• Tailored courses on request.

Classes at all levels are taught by professional language teachers. The dates and times of classes are decided with the group.
Each course is a module of 30 classes. After one module is completed, the course can be continued in the next module of 30 classes.

The Language Centre and Krakowskie Towarzystwo Edukacyjne also offer courses preparing candidates for studies in English, as well as courses for foreigners who want to study in Polish. More information: KTE language courses.

Paid language courses offered by Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University

Course type Language Level Number
of classes per
(1 class = 45 min.)
of students
in the group
Course price
for the staff
and students
of Krakow
general course English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish for foreigners A1-C1 30h 10-12 305 zł
certificates –
all languages B1-C1 30h 10-12 330 zł
all languages A2-C1 30h 10-12 330 zł
certificates -
TOLES (Legal English)
BEC (Business English)
B1-C1 30h 10-12 380 zł
courses on
all languages A2-C1 30h please contact
the Language
please contact
the Language

PLEASE NOTE! The prices of courses preparing for international examinations do not include the cost of taking the test.
The prices of courses for candidates from outside Krakow University: course price + PLN 200.


Candidates who are interested in our courses should email: |
In the subject of the email, please write: PAID LANGUAGE COURSE. In the body of the email, please write: your full name, field of study, telephone number, type and level of course.

Kontakt | Contact

Studium Języków Obcych | Language Centre

Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego

ul. Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego 1, 30-705 Kraków

budynek A, pok. 117 | building A, room 117

dr Agnieszka M. Sendur
kierownik | Head
budynek A, pok. 118 | building A, room 118

mgr Anna Sosenko
z-ca kierownika | Deputy Head
budynek A, pok. 118 | building A, room 118

w godzinach dyżurów | during office hours

Sekretariat | Office

poniedziałki-piątki | Mon-Fri 8.00-16.00
soboty | Sat - zobacz | office hours

mgr Dagmara Domanus-Bujniak
phone.svgtel. 12 252 45 70

mgr inż. Agata Warmus-Czyżyńska

phone.svgtel. 12 252 45 72